DoIT Cloud9 Support
Please first Join DoIT Cloud9 in Microsoft Teams and use code: ko4uwce
How do I log in?
Answer: Bookmark this URL and select the role (e.g. user) under the "cloudpc" account.
NOTE: To simplify things, please use the "user" role (and migrate your existing Cloud9 environments accordingly)
How do I access Cloud9 after I log in?
Answer: After logging in, you can pin Cloud9 to the navigation bar.
How do I share my environment with my coworkers? e.g. for pair coding or sprint reviews
Answer: Invite members using the following IAM username format. Note that you need to know and include the user's role in the ARN path, so that is why it's easier if everyone uses the "user" role.
How do I access my git repositories (Gitlab )
Answer: Since SSH isn't allowed, you need to create a personal access token in your Gitlab settings and do the following. The screenshot below depicts how to scope the access token.
# first time> git config --global credential.helper store> git credential fillprotocol=httpshost=git.doit.wisc.eduusername=NETIDpassword=PERSONALACCESSTOKEN> git clone
# subsequent> git clone
How do access a running web app (for dev/testing)?
Answer: Configure your app to listen on port and it will be available at this URL (Note: replace the long UUID string with the one associated with your environment, and make sure you specify the correct region). More info here:
The escape key has a delay that causes problems in the terminal (e.g. when switching out of vim's editing mode)
Since Cloud9 uses tmux there is a delay in the escape key behavior that causes it to briefly act like an alt key press.
Solution: Create a ~/.tmux.conf with the following and restart tmux
set -s escape-time 0